Safe Schools/Safe Streetz
School safety and the safe passage for our students – as they travel to, through, and from school each day – is paramount, yet our students deal with a myriad of issues regarding their safety on almost a daily basis.
To combat that, we have volunteers at various corners and bus stops throughout our community that work to escort children to and from school safely. We work closely with the D.C. Public School system, along with local charter schools, to identify safe passageways for our students.
We also recognize that children left unsupervised are most likely to get in trouble. To remedy that, we have created programming for before and after school that includes creative and fun activities, in addition to addressing behavioral health, conflict mediation, and restorative justice.
Currently, we are in the following schools:
- Kimball Elementary School
- Two Rivers Public Charter School
- H.D. Woodson High School
- Caesar Chavez Public Charter School
- Friendship Collegiate Academy
- Sousa Middle School
- Anacostia High School
We are always looking for Window Watchers and Community Ambassadors. To learn more or get involved, please contact XXX.